PHP: <? // Copyright 2005 Carmosa - All rights reserved // Linkchecker 1.1 // Do not distribute // Read the license agreement that accompanies this script. ?> <style> a {font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px; color:#0000FF; text-decoration:none} p {font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:black; text-decoration:none} td {font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:black; text-decoration:none} tr {font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:black; text-decoration:none} body {font-family:verdana; font-size:11px; color:black; text-decoration:none} h1 {font-family:verdana; font-size:18px; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} h2 {font-family:verdana; font-size:15px; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} </style> <center> <h1>Google Page Rank</h1> <form method="POST"> Enter Web Site: <input name='url' value='<?=$_REQUEST['url']; ?>' size="20"><input type="submit" value="Get My Site Rank"> </form> <hr> <? $website = $_REQUEST['url']; if( $website ){ if( !strstr($website,"http://") && !strstr($website,"https://") ){ $website = "http://".$website; } $linkedpages = linkcheck($website,'google'); $indexedpages = GoogleLinks($website); $pr = GooglePageRank($website); $indexed = $indexedpages[google][0]; $links = $linkedpages[google][0]; $data = array(); $target = trim(eregi_replace('http://', '', $website)); // checking Google $source = ''.$target; $data['Google'] = array(fetch($source, 'of about', 9, 'linking', 'did not match any documents'), $source); // checking MSN Search $source = ''.$target; $data['MSN Search'] = array(fetch($source, 'web results1-', 18, 'containing', "couldn't find any sites containing"), $source); // checking Yahoo! $source = ''.$target.'&sm=Yahoo%21+Search&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1'; $data['Yahoo!'] = array(fetch($source, 'of about', 9, 'for', "we didn't find any web pages"), $source); // checking AlltheWeb $source = ''.$target.'&rys=0&_sb_lang=pref'; $data['AlltheWeb'] = array(fetch($source, 'audio1 -', 14, 'results', "no web pagesfound that match your query"), $source); // checking AltaVista $source = ''.$target.'&kgs=1&kls=0'; $data['AltaVista'] = array(fetch($source, 'altavista found', 15, 'results', "we found 0 results"), $source); ?> <table width='400' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td align='left' colspan='2'><b>Retrieving info for <?=$website?>...</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Website</strong></td><td><a href="<?=$website?>"><?=$website?></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Page Rank</strong></td><td><?=$pr?> / 10</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Indexed Pages</strong></td><td><a href="<?=$indexedpages[google][1]?>"><?=$indexed?></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>BackLinks</strong></td><td><a href="<?=$linkedpages[google][1]?>"><?=$links?></a></td> </tr> </table> <hr> <table width='400' border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'> <tr> <td align='center' colspan='2'><h2>Link Popularity Report</h2></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Search Engine</strong></td><td align='right'><strong>Indexed Links</strong></td> </tr> <? foreach($data as $engine => $result) { ?> <tr> <td><a href='<? echo $result[1]; ?>' target='_blank'><? echo $engine; ?></a></td> <td align='right'> <? if($result[0]) echo $result[0]; else echo 'Not Available'; ?> </td> </tr> <? $total += ereg_replace("[[:punct:]]", '', $result[0]); } ?> <tr> <td><strong>Total</strong></td> <td align='right'><strong><? echo $total; ?></strong></td> </tr> </table> </center> <? } function fetch($source, $start, $smlen, $stop, $fail) { $data = @implode('', @file($source)); $data = strip_tags($data); $data = strtolower($data); $data = str_replace("\n", '', $data); $data = str_replace("\r", '', $data); if(substr_count($data, $fail)) { return 0; } else { $data = substr($data, strpos($data, $start)+$smlen); $data = substr($data, 0, strpos($data, $stop)); return trim($data); } } function linkcheck($url, $engine) { global $total; $arr = parse_url($url); $url = $arr['host']; $path = "".$url; if(!file_exists($path)) { $data = strtolower(strip_tags(implode("", file($path)))); $data = substr($data, strpos($data, "of about")+9, strlen($data)); $data = substr($data, 0, strpos($data, " ")); if(eregi("[[:alpha:]]", $data)) { $results[$engine] = array('0', $path); } else { $results[$engine] = array($data, $path); $total+=str_replace(',', '', $data); } } else { $results[$engine] = array('n/a', $path); } return $results; } function GoogleLinks($url){ $arr = parse_url($url); $url = $arr['host']; $engine = 'google'; $path = ''.$url.'&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&filter=0'; if(!file_exists($path)) { $data = str_replace(' ', ' ', strtolower(strip_tags(@implode('', @file($path))))); if(!strpos($data, 'did not match any documents')) { $data = substr($data, strpos($data, 'web results')+12, strlen($data)); $data = trim(substr($data, 0, strpos($data, 'for'))); //echo $data; // TEST $data = explode(' ', $data); $data = $data[(count($data)-1)]; $results[$engine] = array($data, $path); $total+=str_replace(',', '', $data); } else { $results[$engine] = array('0', $path); } } else { $results[$engine] = array('n/a', $path); } return $results; } function GooglePageRank($url){ $arr = parse_url($url); $url = $arr['host']; $url="info:".$url; $ch=GoogleCSum($url,0xE6359A60); $host=""; $hostip=gethostbyname($host); $query ="GET /search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6".$ch."&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=".rawurlencode($url)." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $query.="Host: $host\r\n"; $rank=-1; $query.="User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n"; $query.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; $fp=fsockopen($hostip,80,$errno,$errstr,30); if ($fp) { fputs($fp,$query); $data=""; while (!feof($fp)) $data.=fgets($fp,4096); fclose($fp); $data=explode("\n",$data); foreach ($data as $line) if (!is_bool(strpos($line,"Rank_1"))) { $rank=explode(":",trim($line)); $rank=$rank[2]; break; } } return $rank; } function GoogleCSum($s,$key){ $v4=$len=strlen($s); $esi=$key; $ebx=$edi=0x9E3779B9; $p=0; if ($len>=12) for($i=0;$i<floor($len/12);$i++) { $edi=unsign($edi+ord($s[$p+4])+(ord($s[$p+5]) << 8)+(ord($s[$p+6]) << 16)+(ord($s[$p+7]) << 24)); $esi=unsign($esi+ord($s[$p+8])+(ord($s[$p+9]) << 8)+(ord($s[$p+10]) << 16)+(ord($s[$p+11]) << 24)); $edx=unsign(($ebx+ord($s[$p+0])+(ord($s[$p+1]) << 8)+(ord($s[$p+2]) << 16)+(ord($s[$p+3]) << 24)-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,13)); $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$edx)^($edx << 8)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$edx-$edi)^shr($edi,13)); $edx=unsign(($edx-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,12)); $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$edx)^($edx << 16)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$edx-$edi)^shr($edi,5)); $edx=unsign(($edx-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,3)); $ebx=$edx; $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$ebx)^($ebx << 10)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$ebx-$edi)^shr($edi,15)); $v4-=12; $p+=12; } $esi=unsign($esi+$len); if ($v4>=11) $esi=unsign($esi+(ord($s[$p+10]) << 24)); if ($v4>=10) $esi=unsign($esi+(ord($s[$p+9]) << 16)); if ($v4>=9) $esi=unsign($esi+(ord($s[$p+8]) << 8)); if ($v4>=8) $edi=unsign($edi+ord($s[$p+4])+(ord($s[$p+5]) << 8)+(ord($s[$p+6]) << 16)+(ord($s[$p+7]) << 24)); else { if ($v4>=7) $edi=unsign($edi+(ord($s[$p+6]) << 16)); if ($v4>=6) $edi=unsign($edi+(ord($s[$p+5]) << 8)); if ($v4>=5) $edi=unsign($edi+ord($s[$p+4])); } if ($v4>=4) $ebx=unsign($ebx+ord($s[$p+0])+(ord($s[$p+1]) << 8)+(ord($s[$p+2]) << 16)+(ord($s[$p+3]) << 24)); else { if ($v4>=3) $ebx=unsign($ebx+(ord($s[$p+2]) << 16)); if ($v4>=2) $ebx=unsign($ebx+(ord($s[$p+1]) << 8)); if ($v4>=1) $ebx=unsign($ebx+ord($s[$p+0])); } $ebx=unsign(($ebx-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,13)); $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$ebx)^($ebx << 8)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$ebx-$edi)^shr($edi,13)); $ebx=unsign(($ebx-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,12)); $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$ebx)^($ebx << 16)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$ebx-$edi)^shr($edi,5)); $ebx=unsign(($ebx-$edi-$esi)^shr($esi,3)); $edi=unsign(($edi-$esi-$ebx)^($ebx << 10)); $esi=unsign(($esi-$ebx-$edi)^shr($edi,15)); return $esi; } function shr($x,$y) { $x=unsign($x); for($i=0;$i<$y;$i++) $x=floor($x/2); return $x; } function unsign($l) { $l=intval($l); if ($l>=0){ return $l; }else{ return 4294967296+$l; } } ?> 自己慢慢查吧,要不要多给你几个查PR,其实都一样的了。